Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Day 1 - Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Day 1 - An Easy Beginners Flow

    2. Day 1 - List of Sequences & Principles & Philosophy of Yin Yoga

    3. Day 1 - A Flow for the Spine

    4. Day 2 - Seated Meditation & Mantra Practice

    5. Day 2 - Skeletal Variation & What stops me?

    6. Day 2 - Practice - A Flow for the Hips

    7. Day 2 - Traditional Chinese Medicine

    8. Day 3 - Mantra Meditation Practice & Zero Resistance Practice

    9. Day 3 - Bonus Material - Bernie Clark Videos - Tibial & Humeral Torsion

    10. Day 3 - Video of the diaphragm massaging the heart

    11. Day 3 - Practice - A Flow for the Whole Body

    12. 50hr - Yin Yoga Training - Day 1 - Session 1

    13. 50hr - Yin Yoga Training - Day 1 - Session 2 - Traditional Chinese Medicine & Chi

    14. 50hr - Yin Yoga Training - Day 2 - Session 1 - Mantra Practice, Kapalabhati Pranayama & A Flow for the Hips

    15. 50hr Yin Yoga Day 2 - Session 2 - Traditional Chinese Medicine

    16. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 3 - Session 1 - Mantra Practice, Bhastrika & Kapalabhati Pranayama & A Flow for the Spine

    17. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 3 - Session 2 - Tension & Compression, Golden Seed & Wall Yin

    18. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 4 - Session 1 - Mantra Practice Govinda, Dirga Pranayama & A Flow for the Legs

    19. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 4 - Session 2 - Joints, Contracture & Degeneration

    20. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 4 - Session 3 - A Flow for the shoulders, arms & wrists

    21. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 5 - Session 1 - A Flow for the Kidney & Bladder Meridians

    22. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 5 - Session 1 - Continued

    23. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 5 - Session 2 - Humeral Torsion & The Elbow Joint

    24. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 5 - Session 3 - A Flow for the Liver & Gall Bladder Meridians

    25. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 6 - Session 1 - Mantra Practice & A Flow for the Liver & Gall Bladder Meridians Continued

    26. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 6 - Session 2 - The Shoulder Joint & Spine Curvatures

    27. 50hr Yin Yoga Training - Day 6 - Session 3 - Sensations & Opening Asanas

    28. Wall Yin Practice

    29. Wall Yin Continued

    30. Mobility & Fascia Release Class

    31. A Flow for the Whole Body - Variations & New Postures

    32. Yin Yoga Teacher Training - An Easy Beginners Flow - Bonus Practice

    33. Yin Yoga Teacher Training - A Flow for the Whole Body - Bonus practice with student interaction & feedback

    34. Intuitive Yin Yoga Flow

    35. Intuitive Yin Yoga Flow

    36. Intuitive Yin Yoga Flow followed by IRest Yoga Nidra

    37. Congrats you have successfully completed the course!

    1. Yin Yoga Manual

    2. Traditional Chinese Medicine Slides

    3. Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2022 - Energy Body & Chakra Slides

    4. Yoga Nidra Slides

    5. Peaceful waves relaxation script

About this course

  • Free
  • 45 lessons
  • 38 hours of video content